Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Taipei Day 1


At Dinner

Events at Room 18 which is one of the most happening clubs in Taipei.
So happened that we attended Episode 4 heeheehee so kinky la
Alcohol can taste so nice and look so cute ok!

Male Strippers only for the LADIES no kidding, they are Sizzling HOTTTTTT
OoOOo someone got picked up by 2 Taiwanese Chicks
Our first Taiwanese girlfriend; people there are soooo friendly

Looking at the pictures, I really miss travelling with those 2 silly boys and Taipei but I am only at Day 1. Okay I know I take like forever to upload pictures, I still have so many albums which I have yet to upload. So this is my last post before I go on a short hiatus because I am flying off to EUROPE tmr!!!! Wheeeeee. Hello Chanel, Prada, LV, Hermes and cute caucasian boys (the young ones duh). And I have trouble packing AGAIN. But I feel like pulling my hair out this time because I am suffering from a waldrobe malfunction. Realized that I don't really have that many new clothes left, and I need more and and everything is so last season (not that I catch up with fashion trends) but to put it simply, O.L.D & B.O.R.I.N.G. Plus I am getting fat. I mean seriously if you are skinny you would look good in anything right? Emergency call for new clothes, new face new body but that can wait, Europe first. My luggage is exploding with clothes I don't even know whether would be suitable for the current weather in Europe.
To chase away the Monday Blues, I decided to attend Serenity's Anniversary event at Vivo with my 2 partners in crime, B & N and a whole bunch of others and OMG it was FUN beyond FUN. We were all tipsy by like what? 9.30! Record High man. Free flow of drinks woohoo. People were falling all over each other, lying drunk on the floor getting stripped, choochoo train. B went to steal the toilet sign and hid it underneath his shirt and we endedup running all over Vivo at 1am because the cleaners were chasing after us. Honestly, I haven't done anything so crazy for a long time and I laughed my way home with B&N. (Couldn't stop laughing even when I got home). Yay gonna meeet Mister C. soon so see ya when I get back :)))))