Coincidence? A resounding yes. Something more? A shaky possibility. A hopeful possibility. So when is a coincidence just a coincidence? And when, if at all, should it be seen as something more? At a time like this? This, I have realised, is the time when what was once clear has instead become cloudy, and what was once considered bizarre has now become a possiblity.
It is during troubled times like these that people see straight, though others watch with concern and try to convinve then that they can't. Weighted minds are just so because of all of thier new thoughts. But when those who have passed through thier troubles and come out of the other side suddenly embrace thier new beliefs wholeheartedly, it is viewed with cynicism by others. Why? Because when you are in trouble you look harder for answers than those who aren't, and it's those answers that help you through. So is this the answer or merely an answer I am looking for? I believe that answers present themselves. They are not hidden under rocks or camouflaged among trees. Answers are right there, in front of our eyes. But if you haven't pause to look, then of course you will probably never find them.