Ben's Crib - Poker with Vodka Shots!
I am a sow with 12 nipples quoted somebody lol. So you, please stop feeding me and I shall stop feeding you too! Else I am really gonna turn into a sow.
Virgin clay pigeon shooting on Sunday. Initially I really thought we were gonna shoot down moulded clay pigeons of exact shape and size. One of my bimbotic moments again yes I know but my cute little imaginary moulded clay pigeons which in my mind were gonna shatter into thousands of pieces turned out to be circular clay discs instead which were orange. Why orange I wondered? Pigeons are not even close to the color orange. Being the girly me, I was traumatized real bad when we arrived at the shooting range. Firstly, the gun shot sound was defeaning and at that point in time I have not worn my ear mufflers. So with every shot, my heart literally almost shot out of my chest as well. And the recoil was threatening too especially for girls since we are so tiny and puny and fragile. Even the big huge white guys with humongous muscles jerked at the recoil what more us girls. But eventually I tried. You gotta try everything once right? The rifle was hell ass heavy and the recoil jerked me hard, like a sudden natural reflex and I think I 'flew' a few steps back. But after the first try, it wasn't as bad anymore.
Don't laugh but I am trying out for contact rugby on Friday! So not me at all, getting slammed, whacked, squashed, banged but I can take it I guess since I do not really take care of my nails and go all like "OMG! My nail chipped, dial 911!!!!!" In fact my nails are hideously naked and I am used to getting bruises and cuts from all those bumping around in clubs whenever I am way too tipsy. So I am waiting for X to come back with supper (10,000 calories) but I reckon he will be back later than 2 and I have school at 8.30am tmr. So good night people :)