Okay if you notice carefully, my eyes are extremely red in the pictures due to them being very sensitive whenever I wear my contacts. Well partly its cause I used to sleep with them glued to my retina so DON'T ever sleep with your contacts intact no matter how drunk, tired, lazy you are. Halloween was really fun except that Zouk was overly packed as usual but we had our little crib over at Copthorne Hotel. Pre-party was so fun with the girls; all the silly videos they made, watching comedic porn (from XT's laptop), camwhoring, gossiping... found out about he she her them, gasp in astonishment. haha. Yeah the world's damn small, no, Singapore's damn small. Went over to Ben's birthday + housewarming + halloween party for awhile which was really cute cause everyone were in costumes and of course it wasn't as packed as Zouk. Went back to Zouk with the girls after and it was just omfg crowded. Seriously, its just overrated, no more halloween parties in clubs next year. So I m up this "early" everyday and my daily dosages now consist of Starbucks Coffee, Berrocca, Meiji Strawberry Yoghurt and X. Digressing, bidding sucks literally. I only managed to get 2 mods out of 6, inflation! Its bleeding me dry and I might not even have enough $$$ next year to bid plus my mods are gonna get more expensive. But at least I get to go to classes with the gfs. TGIF! Should I go to Zouk tonight??? I know I shouldn't cause I have to mug, but then again all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl right?