Friday, January 15, 2010


I closed my eyes and I prayed with all my heart for the best that can happen. It was never my calling; only He knows what is good for me. But I hope that He will be able to fulfill my heart's desire, I've never felt so strongly towards anything before. 

The past 2 weeks have been one hell of a roller coaster ride. In a way, I am glad that I managed to get through 2 major events tonight. The greatest blessing that I am thankful for is having the girls there beside me. For the words of encouragement, their advice, their presence and all the fun times we had, they are such a bundle of joy. I am at the verge of giving up everything that I have worked so hard for, it just seem so pointless to me. Sometimes it seems as though the more you try, the deeper you fall. After you have reached a certain point, the exhaustion becomes too overwhelming, draining out all that's left of you, and you wanna put an end to the struggles. Its times like this that I wish I could start anew. Life is never a bed of roses, but I believe that we all have a right to fight for our happiness.