Monday Monday Blues. I scraped off most of my plans for the day. Important they are actually, and I called them off. Can't stand myself at times. Its really such a bad habit. The weekends were dope. Zouk on both Friday and Saturday, well they were unplanned. But yeah both days turned out pretty interesting. Though I am off the whole party-till-you-drop-dead phase long ago, I still enjoy a few drinks, sitting around and talking to people. Anyway I need a job till I decide what the next step will be but I am undecided still. I have a couple of job offers but I just can't seem to drag my lazy ass down for interviews. Plus, I was thinking of traveling for a bit in the meantime. On a side note, I wanna hit the gym so badly since I am bumming around so much so yes I am gonna officially start my training programme in March. Ramen tonight at 313, hope it is as good as everyone says it is. Ciao.