L.O.S.T. Uni applications are a headache. Attach Form H with Form 1, bring along Form J for medical checkup, detach Form A from... yeah I got confused. And there's this really long check list for you to tick against but I stopped reading after point 3. Then I decided to check out some international schools overseas but I didn't even know where to begin, very complicated so yeah forget it. That's just me, lazy and always digressing. Like how I am supposed to log on to some website now to accept the offer of admission but I kept pushing it off. Its so weird, my dad is now insisting on getting me my dream car when I don't even want it anymore! You see he wants to tie me here so that I wouldn't fly away for four years to pursue yet another piece of paper or take up a career in the sky for two years not that I want to but I really want to see the world and you are only young once right? Somebody give me directions please. And I finally settled what I have planned for a very long time and am so excited for it! A release of exaggerated emotions hidden in subconciousness kinda helped even though I don't recall a single thing. Strangely... gdnight!