Thursday, November 19, 2009


Gio's Birthday & Farewell 

Amanda's Birthday <3 

Good morning people! I am turning into a night owl; sleeping in the day and studying at night grrrr. For the record, I haven't slept yet and I still feel so wide awake. What was I thinking? Drinking coffee at 4am???Caffeine rush! Looks like I will not be sleeping so soon cause I have tons of revision to finish. At least I am not camping in school, idk how they do it man. 2 weeks to go, and I will be set free! Can't wait can't wait. 

So strangely, it so happens that I get this "nauseating" feeling everytime I see this certain someone. I seriously feel like puking and the fact is that I do not even puke when I am drunk except for maybe that 1-2 times. Point being that a revelation struck me somehow the first time I ever felt that way. Funny how we can see someone else in a totally different light that we did not see that person before or was just BLINDED. Even when everyone around you told you how foolish you were and tried to make you see the light. lol. But yeah I saw the light, maybe too much of it and now that I am standing out of the picture, I feel grossed out by you. I know I sound really mean and all but I just can't help but to feel disgusted, character wise which creates a domino effect and characterizes everything else in the same manner. I am so glad you are outta my life for good!

Anyway I think the caffeine's wearing off so laters! :)