Friday, December 11, 2009



Our organising committee for the back to school party called "Clash". So since I am at Batam now these pictures are all that I have taken from FB. The past few days have been really rewarding and meaningful. The kids are so cute and lovely but there is this communication problem. I can only say words like "sayang", "makan", "turlis" blah blah. Being here has also taught me how to appreciate what I have even more because looking at these kids who are only 3-5 yrs old, thier living conditions are really bad since they live in villages. And its like they will never lead the lives that we have, wear nice clothes, enjoy fancy meals, and have nice toys and electronic games to play with. So that being said, I am so thankful for what I have. Honestly I can't bear to part with them, they are so sweet and naughty at the same time. I have also learnt how to sweep and mop floors. Haha. Before this, I never did any household chores like never in my life. Do you know that sweeping the floor requires techniques? Ok maybe its because we use dustpans and brooms not magic cleaner but yeah I learnt how to sweep the dust and dirt into the dustpan through this like scooping technique. The school is so dirty that we have to sweep and mop at least 3 times a day. The resort that we are staying at is so beautiful because its right next to the beach. So everyday I will go running on the platforms that are right above the waters; the scenery is simply breathtaking. And when night falls, the sky is filled with stars like loads of them so pretty! That's the happy part now moving on to the depressing part, my results sucks. Its really damn depressing to see shitty results. Uni sucks, I need to work so much harder next sem but I wonder if my effort will pay off . Its so different from poly or maybe I went to the wrong Uni. :( I can't wait to go home because I miss all my friends and my family. Ok I am gonna drown myself in beer now, this is so depressing. Laters!
PS: watch this video, the cutest boy ever I so wanna adopt him. Can't upload it here though not sure why, so here's the link: