I woke up today with a very puzzled question stuck in my head. Why do doughnuts have a hole in the middle? (Apart from the improvised versions of doughnuts which do not have holes but rather fillings in them which shouldn't even be called doughnuts anymore)
So it's been one hell of a hectic week, and more of such weeks to come. School's a bitch, a big fat one in fact. Everyday passes me by with a list of studying and projects to be completed. Sigh. Then there's uni applications to ponder about. Overseas or Local? I very much would love to head down to America but then there's the gap year and other issues to consider. But if I choose to stay, it would be my greatest regret. All the whatiff-ingsssss, screwing up the mind, making things harder than it seems. It's the weekends again, and my books will be my companion to stay. At this instance, my life kinda sucks. Retail Therapy has even lost all its appeal, how did it even end up like this.
The Creek Drank The Cradle.