Friday, May 15, 2009


Who's genuine and who's not? Only time will tell. Karma is a bitch, it bites you back ten times worse. So there is no need for confrontation, or to expose the person for all the nasty rumours and backstabbing because what goes around comes around. That's the sad truth and people out there have eyes to see and ears to hear. Many a times, its not about revenge or getting back at the person for what he/she has done. Yes, hurt and misery will be involved for choosing to trust in the wrong person only to be betrayed at the end, or seeing years of friendship being reduced to dust, but I guess we all have to learn it the hard way and eventually we become wiser in deciding who we wanna trust and determine who our good friends really are. A leopard never changes its spots, that's something I have always believed in. Just like how impatient I can get all the time, or my nasty temper if I get really angry or just how indecisive I am. These are all the negative traits that might just stay with me for the rest of my life. So I have been forgiving the past few times but my tolerance has its limits too and enough is enough. I do not like to put up this facade of how things are alright between us and the fact that I am putting aside all that you have said behind my back, so I do not want to pretend anymore. I treated you as one of my closest friend once but maybe you just don't know how to treasure friendships and thus I will walk away from it. I just hope that one day you will learn how not to take for granted the people around you who truly cares.

Perth's Zoo :)