Saturday, May 30, 2009


Lies. How often do we do commit such 'crimes' ? To our parents, our friends, our lovers, our ex-lovers. Yes, I for one am guilty as charged. But more often than not, why do we do so? It is an act done out of selfishness. Be it to protect oneself or to protect the other person from being hurt after knowing the truth but either way, it leaves you feeling heavy laden. And what's worse is if the person that you have lied to finds out and walks away feeling betrayed. You will then be left alone trying to piece back the broken pieces but whatever it is, it will be difficult to trust again. I am not very sure whether what we are doing here is right, but to the person that I am lying to just to prevent you from getting hurt I am very very sorry. I hope you know with all your heart that whatever I am doing, I really have no intention of hurting you by lying to you. But this is the only way out. Unfortunately....

Sven's 21st at Walawala

Dick's 21st at Chijmes

Lucky boy got to dirty dance with this HAWT babe

Nick's House Party