Thursday, May 7, 2009


I am sick which explains why I am not out on Ladies Night downing lychee martinis at Arena, sipping champagne at Attica, taking endless amount of shots at Double O and of course letting my hair loose with the gfs whom I haven't been partying with for 2435241 years already. Not forgetting the bitchings and gossips and yes DRAMA. I miss them so much and I wish my flu, sore throat and cough would just go away this instance. Oh wells at least I have been a good girl cause I stayed away from alcohol and partying last weekend not forgetting tonight as well under unforseen circumstances. So I have been sleeping at 6am (mostly due to pokering) and waking up in the afternoons nowadays, what a bummer right? And I have also been spending alot of time with "Kali-man" who is a total retard, damage to the brain I think, doctor says he's in his last stages yeah and who has been annoying the hell outta me. He even took MY car to go play LAN and I have to wait for him to get back with supper and yet another cup of Honey water. Stupid boy! Since I don't have my computer which has a gazillion photos stored in there, I ripped these off facebook.
The night before I left for Taipei, C & I made a trip down to Klee which is at Portsdown Road and its an amazing place. Okay shall let the pictures do the talking, off to watch Gossip Girl now!

The Klee Boys

Pufferfish YUM!!!!!