Sunday, August 16, 2009


Today is my last day of bumming before burning in hell for the next 3-4 years so I definitely have to mark this down. I am not ready for school to start AT ALL, what more its Uni life. Then there will be these popular cool kids, the bitchy girls, the attention whores, the Atas group, the desparados, everyone's favorite: the geeks, overly enthusiastic peeps, the outcast and of course people like me, the commoners. The best friend texted me awhile ago telling me to enjoy my uni life because it will be the best years ever, gahhhh. So I know things didn't turn out the way I wanted like I always thought I would go overseas to further my education and studying locally would be the last choice on the platter but in life things do not always turn out the way you thought it would right? Ok so anyway I got shit loads of reading to do for my classes but as always I am lost, and lazy and procrastinating. Like how I was supposed to pack up my room and wardrobe, sort out my clothes before school starts but my pile of clothes are still strewn all over the floor with new stocks coming in everyday. I blame the itchy fingers; online shopping, its hell sure addictive. Enough about school, am sorry I had to put you through that whole long boring paragraph but I can't deny that I am scared and a little psyched for school to start officially. 

Butter last night was very fun! 5 popcorns. Plus my hangover ain't bad at all, in fact I think it had poof disappeared. Just ordered Macs, urggh so unhealthy but nvm its comfort food, just to console myself. Have to make good use of the next 18 hours but I have yet to figure out what I intend to do. Would probably sit my ass on the couch and watch TV all day, one of my favorite pastime, so till then :)