Saturday, August 29, 2009


Yet another very uneventful day where I did not manage to tick off any revisions or assignments on my to-do list. But I went for rugby tryouts so my Friday wasn't exactly put to waste. And let me tell you about the encounter with the green slimy creatures. So we had to walk across this big patch of field to get to the training grounds and on the journey there, it was INFESTED with frogs. You could literally see them with every 3 steps and everyone was screaming and yelling and shrieking including me of course. But unfortunately we had to endure the ordeal cause that was the only route available. Gross! And after training which was even worse cause it was so dark you couldn't see a thing, we had to walk across that same field. This time, we RAN across screaming our heads off like maniacs and trying not to feel any slimy goo-ey stuff cause we all were wearing slippers. It was funny, I couldn't stop laughing. Moving on, it was my school's bash last night at Zouk - Espionage. Saw my classmates from different classes getting so high and wasted, falling over their chairs, and tripping over stairs. What a sight! I was Okay, not high not drunk not sober. Will be embarrassing if people from school remembers you for your drunk moments. Golf tomorrow in the morning, then some girly fun in the afternoon. It's V's birthday tonight, can't believe I totally ditched Butter. Sorry V & Happy Birthday. I bet they are either wasted or almost there. lol. Good night peeps :)

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