Saturday, August 15, 2009


I am up this bloody early on a Saturday morning with only 4 hours of sleep when I should be enjoying my last Saturday sleep-in is because I have Convocation in school & if I do not go the Dean will send me a letter. Went over to J's "Investment" house at Cairnhill last night for housewarming and then skipped on to catch ''The Proposal" after which was damn hilarious and just awesome. Skipped on to Butter for awhile after which was hell packed and because I am not very tall and wearing my flats since it was a last min thing, everyone was kinda towering over me and squashing and pushing and kinda like touching you but not quite so yeah. Bloody annoying, and drunk people everywhere with puke on the floor, couldn't take it so we went over to Overeasy where the rest were. Last 5 nights, I ate like a pig, worse than a pig. First 2 nights, I had late night Macs; shaker fries, sundaes, nuggets, diggg the shaker fries. We ordered like 3-4 packets omfg. Then the next 2 nights were like tze-char, fried rice, maggie goreng pattaya from Spize which is the best so far and last night we had craving for the frogs at Geylang.I seriously need to stop eating, and sleeping after and eating again. So I know I should be getting ready for school and all now but I procrastinate, I am reluctant to go! Yeah ok I know I whine alot but I am cranky and angsty and that gives me every reason to do so for now, just for now. Butter tonight ( I did not party the whole of this week) and reason I am going is cause S is celebrating her birthday. Already switching on to the whole I-NEED-TO-STOP-PARTYING-START-MUGGING-BEING-A-NERD mode. Ok I really gtg and I am not even dressed. Enjoy your Saturday while I sulk over mine. lol